Foundation Principles

Historic Preservation
This principle aims to examine the historical significance of the work of the Rev. Samuel Green Sr. and related historical figures that impacted America. This is accomplished by collaborating with individuals, families, and organizations engaged in historical preservation. Also, by using exhibits, media, photography, social media, print, and other traditional and non-traditional artistical expressions the Foundation aims to enhance cultural awareness about the life and legacy of Rev. Samuel Green, Sr. as a spiritual leader, educator, and founder of educational institutions, underground railroad conductor, political prisoner, and more.
The Educational principle supports programs that emphasize student academic achievement, life skills development, and research initiatives that add to the understanding of contributions made by historical figures, ancestors, and people engaged in free humanity for all. Education also includes advocacy for basic civil rights, environmental justice, and the removal of structural barriers responsible for the educational and economic disparities that impact people of color.

Environmental Sustainability
Environmental Justice and Sustainability recognize the importance of having a healthy environment in which we live, work, play, and worship. The primary aim of this principle is the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income, with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies. This begins by preventing harm and sustaining a healthy ecosystem starting with where they live.
Economic Development
Due to heightened concerns about historical awareness, education, and environmental justice and sustainability among people of color, the Foundation seeks to incorporate wealth building as a common theme across all the principles that guide this organization. Through social entrepreneurship, business, and career development training initiatives, the Reverend Samuel Green Sr. Foundation aims to raise awareness and create jobs and business opportunities associated with creating historical awareness, educating society, and implementing environmental restoration and sustainability projects.