The Rev. Samuel Green, Sr. Foundation, Inc.
“Education…the 21st Century Underground Railroad”
our legacy
Visionary Founder of Morgan State University
Who is Rev. Samuel Green, Sr?
- Underground Railroad Conductor
- Caught, Arrested & Imprisoned for possessing the Uncle Tom’s Cabin anti-slavery publication
- Visionary Founder of Morgan State University
- First Cousin to Harriet Tubman
Our mission
Reaching out to educate the social, historical, cultural, spiritual and civil rights needs of the people of our world beginning in the State of Maryland.
The Foundation embodies the following four principles
The descendants of Rev. Samuel Green, Sr. continues to uplift the legacy and profound meaning of Freedom through The Rev. Samuel Green, Sr. Foundation, Inc.
Greater than 10
distinct invitations to visit historically significant global, national and local sites associated with legacy
Greater than 100
invited presentations on the legacy
Greater than 1000
persons served by the Foundation
We organize events to carry on the legacy of our ancestors
October 28, 2023
10am – 7pm at the Annapolis City Dock
The festival is a celebration of the perseverance, education, and cultural heritage of Africans, African Americans, and Caribbean people of African descent.
Since our Inception We Have
- Installed a brick at the site of the Beacon of hope statue at the courthouse in Cambridge where Rev. Samuel Green, Sr. was sentenced to 10 years in Prison
- Testified at a legislative session in regards to related bills in support of Black Heritage
- Been awarded funding to plant trees in the City of Annapolis, the capitol of Maryland
- Participated in the grand opening of the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad National Park
- Participated in the Morgan State University Sesquicentennial ceremonies at Sharp Street Church, University Memorial Chapel and Orchard Street Church
- Organized Tribute Ceremony to Rev. Samuel Green, Sr. on the campus of Morgan State University
- Participated in the Annual Rev. Samuel Green, Sr. Day in East New Market in Dorchester County, Maryland
- Invited guest speakers to Federal, State, Local, Schools and various organizational events for cultural competency and Black Heritage presentations
- Organized a showing of the film “Harriet” at the movie theatre
- Led many tours through the Eastern Shore along the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad Byway
- Harriet Tubman immersive experience on her 130 acres farm at Poplar Neck
- We are working with the State on the Eastern Shore of Maryland with the Take my hand mural and North Star pavilion site
- Participated in the Visions of Freedom PBS Documentary film on Harriet Tubman
We Descendants have been called upon in
- Annapolis, MD
- Auburn, NY
- Baltimore, MD
- Beaufort, South Carolina
- Canada
- Eastern Shore of Maryland
- Philadelphia, PA

Come join us
We engage and outreach with people of color to promote environmental education, build social equity, expose the rich historical legacy of blacks of the Chesapeake, and bridge the disparity gaps making the industry of natural resources more diverse and inclusive.